Saturday, October 31, 2009

Advanced Strategies to Raise Credit Score?

I'm working real hard to raise my credit score. It hasn't been good for a long time. As a result, I am paying very high rates for a car loan. Here is what I've done and am doing, however I am looking for more strategies if there are any. It may just be sit and wait:

1. Am paying off all negative entires. (They're not that bad, less than 1,500 in total).

2. Have paid car note for one year so far, ZERO late.

3. Have opened credit account at Electronics Store (600.00) limit, paid about 3/4 of a year, ZERO late.

4. Opened TWO secured credit cards. 700 Limit and 300 limit. ZERO late, however balance is a bit higher than 30% of limit.

5. Opened UNSECURED credit card. Two month history ZERO late.

6. Have not added additional debt.

What else can I do to raise my score? Any thoughts?

Thank You.

Advanced Strategies to Raise Credit Score?

I could write a lot of stuff here, but it won't be detailed enough to give you the help you want. Instead, please check out the Credit forum at where you will find a wealth of information on how to repair your credit.

The first thing to research in your situation is getting those negative entries off your report. Just paying them off is not as beneficial as getting them removed altogether. The term often used at for negative entries is %26quot;baddies%26quot; in case you run in that term there. There are ways to negotiate for having the negatives removed in exchange for paying the balance (this is called %26quot;Pay For Delete%26quot; or PFD). If you can do that, you'll make great strides

I'm not affiliated with the site but I have not found any other site that has the depth of information and knowledgeable members on credit repair. Good luck to you, it sounds like you are already making progress.

Advanced Strategies to Raise Credit Score?

You begin with %26quot;negative entires... not that bad, less than 1,500 in total.%26quot; I assume that they are at least $1,000, because otherwise you would have said less than $1,000. That is bad. Having even one negative entry is bad. Having negative entrIES, plural (and misspelled), that total over $1,000 is very bad.

Pay off all the negative entries, in full, immediately. Then wait 7 years for them to be removed from your credit report.

Advanced Strategies to Raise Credit Score?

You seem to doing a lot of the right things. Just a few comments. 1) Don't let too many people pull your credit, especially car finance cos. as they will send you to a lot of different finance cos., 2) Paying off an old collection (~ 2yrs.+) may pull your score down as it renews the clock so to speak, and lastly, check around for someone who can pull your credit (offer to pay) and run a %26quot;what-if%26quot; to see what else you should do to raise your score. A lot of mortgage brokers have this ability. Good luck.

Advanced Strategies to Raise Credit Score?

I'm in a similar situation as you ($1,500 bad debt, 1 secured credit card, and a student loan(zero lates). The most important first step is to pay off All negative entries in full. It won't raise your credit score that much but merely paying little by little this will cause your score to stagnate and barely move.

Once this is done, you will really see those unsecured cards really start to kick ***. In the past 2 months, my score has gone from 584 to 635. I keep my balance below 20% just to be safe, I only spend on small crap like soda and maybe 1 tank of gas. I used Orchard bank, since their limits are low($200), and they report the card as a Credit Card, so it helps alot.

In my case, paying off the loan on time always has done jack **** to raise my score, but just keep paying it on time like you always do, better safe than sorry.

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